Friday, September 28, 2007

Week 33 and 34- BLESSED!

Symptoms that I am having this week...

  • Many MANY bathroom breaks - It seems like I will go and then 5 min later I have to go again.
  • Lots of movement
  • Really thirsty- slurpees are still my favorite!
  • pain in my lower back when I sit for to long
  • Hard time getting comfortable at night so I am still having sleepless nights.
Week 33 and 34 were pretty similar so I thought I would lump them together. First of all I had another doctor appt last Friday and everything went really well. I always dread the weighing part because I am always nervous that I will have gained to much. BUT This week I lost 6 pounds!!!! The doctor was not worried at all so I will just take the blessing! hehe ( I guess my Chocolate everything and slurpee diet is working well. LOL) So this puts my total weight gain at 16 pounds. I have another appointment this afternoon at three and I am hoping that I have not gained it all back and then some. I guess we will see.

Edwin and I started school this week so that has been a slight adjustment. I can't believe how expensive books are! I am taking 4 classes (and only 3 of them needed books) and edwin is taking 2 classes. Our books were 525.00! Can you believe it! CRAZY!!

I titled this blog "Blessed" because I have never felt so blessed. I had a friend from work who had a baby girl 2 years ago. She called me and said they were going through their garage and found all of haley's baby stuff. They wanted to know if we wanted it. Of course I will always take free baby stuff! I love to go through it and see what other people got for their baby. So we went to her house to pick it up and she gave us three 40 gallon garbage bags FULL of stuff. I was so amazed. When I got home and started sorting it (which by the way took me at least 2 hours just to unload 2 of the bags.) They had given us a TON of baby clothes (2 bags full) and then one of the bags was full of Avent Bottles and baby toys. There was also a hand pump breast pump and some teddy bears that have the heartbeat sound. I wanted to cry when I opened each bag. For someone to just give all of that stuff is amazing! So for the last 3 days I have been washing the clothes and putting them into piles by month. I now have enough clothes to open a small baby store... hehe Edwin and I are going to sort it this weekend and see what we need and don't need and give the rest away.
I Also got a call from another friend who had a playpen and a crib bedding set to give us. We already have both but I told her I would take it and we can give it to Edwins Brother and girlfriend. She is due November 15th. They are having a little girl and they just told us they decided on a name... Mwila. I think it is pretty!

I got a call from my dad this week and he wanted to know what to get us. I told him that edwin and I would discuss it and let him know. At this point we pretty much have everything we need. I told him the only thing I could think of was a electric double breast pump. My dad said he wished he could have bought us our crib instead.. LOL Then the rest of our conversation he would not say Breast pump he would say BP..HAHAHAHA he cracks me up!

We are putting on our fridge everyone's guesses of when the baby is going to be born. I will post those sometime this week (They are downstairs and I am lazy) So if anyone has any guesses let me know. You have to guess the date and time! Winner gets the confidence in knowing you were right.
Well that is all I have for now! Hope everyone has a good week. Malaika and I are on to week 35!!